This definition comes from SM64. For reasons not fully understood eu_process_audio_cmd does not match properly if this definition is used. We're either: Missing a compiler -D for IS_BIG_ENDIAN or The version of that function in MK64 is significantly different from its SM64 counterpart Or we just have a poor understanding of this part of the system.
struct EuAudioCmd { union { if IS_BIG_ENDIAN struct { u8 op; u8 arg1; u8 arg2; u8 arg3; } s; else struct { u8 arg3; u8 arg2; u8 arg1; u8 op; } s; endif s32 first; } u; union { s32 as_s32; u32 as_u32; f32 as_f32; if IS_BIG_ENDIAN u8 as_u8; s8 as_s8; else struct { u8 pad0[3]; u8 as_u8; }; struct { u8 pad1[3]; s8 as_s8; }; endif } u2; };