Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- d -
- d : du
- D : uObjMtx_t
- D_800ED600 : UnkStruct_800DDB68
- D_800ED608 : UnkStruct_800DDB68
- D_800ED610 : UnkStruct_800DDB68
- D_800ED618 : UnkStruct_800DDB68
- D_800ED620 : UnkStruct_800DDB68
- D_800ED628 : UnkStruct_800DDB68
- D_800ED630 : UnkStruct_800DDB68
- D_800ED638 : UnkStruct_800DDB68
- D_8018DEE0_index : struct_8018D9E0_entry
- D_8018E118_index : struct_8018DEE0_entry
- data : __OSContEepromFormat, __OSContRamReadFormat, ISVDbg
- data1 : OSContPackedRequest
- data2 : OSContPackedRequest
- data3 : OSContPackedRequest
- data4 : OSContPackedRequest
- data_size : course_texture
- data_sum : __OSDir
- datacrc : __OSContRamReadFormat
- decaying : NotePool
- decayTime : ALEnvelope
- decayVolume : ALEnvelope
- defaultBank : SequencePlayer
- delay : AdsrEnvelope, AdsrState, SequenceChannel, SequenceChannelLayer, SequencePlayer, VibratoState
- delayUnused : SequenceChannelLayer
- depth : M64ScriptState
- detune : ALKeyMap
- devAddr : __OSTranxInfo, OSIoMesg
- deviceid : __OSPackId
- direction_angle : ItemWindowObjects, Objects
- disabled : NotePool
- displayList : struct_8018E768_entry
- distance : SoundCharacteristics
- dlRomEnd : CourseTable
- dlRomStart : CourseTable
- dma_func : OSMgrArgs
- domain : OSPiHandle_s
- downsampleRate : ReverbSettingsEU, SynthesisReverb
- dramAddr : __OSBlockInfo, OSIoMesg
- drums : AudioBank, CtlEntry
- dstAddr : UnkEntry
- dummy : __OSContRamReadFormat, __OSContReadFormat, __OSContRequesFormat
- dummy1 : __OSContRequesFormat
- duration : Cutscene, SequenceChannelLayer
- dX : MkTexture
- dY : MkTexture
- dynTable : SequenceChannel