Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- n -
- nearestWaypointId : Player
- needsInit : NoteSubEu
- newPan : SequenceChannel
- next : __osThreadTail, AudioListItem, MainPoolBlock, OSPiHandle_s, OSThread_s, OSTimer_str, SoundCharacteristics, Unk_8018EFD8
- nextRingBufferPos : SynthesisReverb
- nextSide : TemporaryPool
- normalNotesSound : Instrument
- normalRangeHi : Instrument
- normalRangeLo : Instrument
- note : SequenceChannelLayer
- noteAllocPolicy : SequenceChannel, SequencePlayer
- noteDuration : SequenceChannelLayer
- noteFreqScale : SequenceChannelLayer
- notePan : SequenceChannelLayer
- notePool : SequenceChannel, SequencePlayer
- notePriority : SequenceChannel
- notePropertiesNeedInit : SequenceChannelLayer
- noteSubEu : Note
- noteUnused : SequenceChannel
- noteVelocity : SequenceChannelLayer
- npredictors : AdpcmBook, ALADPCMBook
- num_leading_zeros : printf_struct
- num_mid_zeros : printf_struct
- num_trailing_zeros : printf_struct
- numAllocatedEntries : SoundAllocPool
- numCars : TrainStuff
- numDrums : CtlEntry
- numEntries : PersistentPool, UnkPool
- numInstruments : CtlEntry
- numReverbs : AudioSessionSettingsEU
- numSamplesAfterDownsampling : ReverbRingBufferItem
- numSoundTimes : ProfilerFrameData
- numVblankTimes : ProfilerFrameData