Go to the source code of this file.
void | note_set_vel_pan_reverb (struct Note *note, f32 velocity, u8 pan, u8 reverbVol) |
void | note_set_resampling_rate (struct Note *note, f32 resamplingRateInput) |
s32 | build_synthetic_wave (struct Note *note, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer, s32 waveId) |
void | init_synthetic_wave (struct Note *note, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) |
void | init_note_list (struct AudioListItem *list) |
void | init_note_lists (struct NotePool *pool) |
void | init_note_free_list (void) |
void | note_pool_clear (struct NotePool *pool) |
void | note_pool_fill (struct NotePool *pool, s32 count) |
void | audio_list_push_front (struct AudioListItem *list, struct AudioListItem *item) |
void | audio_list_remove (struct AudioListItem *item) |
struct Note * | pop_node_with_lower_prio (struct AudioListItem *list, s32 limit) |
void | note_init_for_layer (struct Note *note, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) |
void | note_disable (struct Note *note) |
void | process_notes (void) |
struct AudioBankSound * | instrument_get_audio_bank_sound (struct Instrument *instrument, s32 semitone) |
struct Instrument * | get_instrument_inner (s32 bankId, s32 instId) |
struct Drum * | get_drum (s32 bankId, s32 drumId) |
void | note_init (struct Note *note) |
void | seq_channel_layer_decay_release_internal (struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer, s32 target) |
void | seq_channel_layer_note_decay (struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) |
void | seq_channel_layer_note_release (struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) |
void | func_800BD8F4 (struct Note *note, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) |
void | note_release_and_take_ownership (struct Note *note, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) |
struct Note * | alloc_note_from_disabled (struct NotePool *pool, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) |
struct Note * | alloc_note_from_decaying (struct NotePool *pool, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) |
struct Note * | alloc_note_from_active (struct NotePool *pool, struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) |
struct Note * | alloc_note (struct SequenceChannelLayer *seqLayer) |
void | note_init_all (void) |
◆ alloc_note()
◆ alloc_note_from_active()
◆ alloc_note_from_decaying()
◆ alloc_note_from_disabled()
◆ audio_list_push_front()
◆ audio_list_remove()
◆ build_synthetic_wave()
◆ func_800BD8F4()
◆ get_drum()
◆ get_instrument_inner()
◆ init_note_free_list()
◆ init_note_list()
◆ init_note_lists()
◆ init_synthetic_wave()
◆ instrument_get_audio_bank_sound()
◆ note_disable()
◆ note_init()
◆ note_init_all()
◆ note_init_for_layer()
◆ note_pool_clear()
◆ note_pool_fill()
◆ note_release_and_take_ownership()
◆ note_set_resampling_rate()
◆ note_set_vel_pan_reverb()
- Bug
- for the change to UQ0.7, the if statement should also have been changed accordingly
◆ pop_node_with_lower_prio()
◆ process_notes()
◆ seq_channel_layer_decay_release_internal()
◆ seq_channel_layer_note_decay()
◆ seq_channel_layer_note_release()