Mario Kart 64
No Matches
camera.c File Reference
#include <ultra64.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <common_structs.h>
#include <defines.h>
#include <libc/math.h>
#include "camera.h"
#include "code_800029B0.h"
#include "math_util.h"
#include "racing/memory.h"
#include "waypoints.h"
#include "render_player.h"
#include "collision.h"
#include "code_80057C60.h"
#include "code_80005FD0.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "spawn_players.h"
Include dependency graph for camera.c:


void camera_init (f32 posX, f32 posY, f32 posZ, UNUSED s16 rot, u32 arg4, s32 cameraId)
void func_8001CA10 (Camera *camera)
void func_8001CA24 (Player *player, f32 arg1)
void func_8001CA78 (UNUSED Player *player, Camera *camera, Vec3f arg2, f32 *arg3, f32 *arg4, f32 *arg5, UNUSED s32 huh, UNUSED s32 wut)
void func_8001CCEC (Player *player, Camera *camera, Vec3f arg2, f32 *arg3, f32 *arg4, f32 *arg5, UNUSED s32 *arg6, s16 arg7, s16 index)
void func_8001D53C (Player *player, Camera *camera, Vec3f arg2, f32 *arg3, f32 *arg4, f32 *arg5, s16 arg6, s16 arg7)
void func_8001D794 (Player *player, Camera *camera, Vec3f arg2, f32 *arg3, f32 *arg4, f32 *arg5, s16 arg6)
void func_8001D944 (Player *player, Camera *camera, Vec3f arg2, f32 *arg3, f32 *arg4, f32 *arg5, UNUSED s32 *arg6, s16 arg7, s16 index)
void func_8001E0C4 (Camera *camera, Player *player, s8 arg2)
void func_8001E45C (Camera *camera, Player *player, s8 arg2)
void func_8001E8E8 (Camera *camera, Player *player, s8 arg2)
void func_8001EA0C (Camera *camera, Player *player, s8 arg2)
void func_8001EE98 (Player *player, Camera *camera, s8 index)
void func_8001F394 (Player *player, f32 *arg1)
void func_8001F87C (s32 cameraId)


f32 D_800DDB30 [] = { 0.4f, 0.6f, 0.275f, 0.3f }
Camera cameras [4]
Cameracamera1 = &cameras[0]
Cameracamera2 = &cameras[1]
Cameracamera3 = &cameras[2]
Cameracamera4 = &cameras[3]
UNUSED s32 D_801649D0 [2]
f32 D_801649D8 [4]
f32 D_801649E8 [4]
f32 D_801649F8 [4]
s32 D_80164A08 [4]
s32 D_80164A18 [4]
s32 D_80164A28
s32 D_80164A2C
f32 D_80164A30
UNUSED f32 D_80164A34
f32 D_80164A38 [4]
f32 D_80164A48 [4]
UNUSED s32 D_80164A58 [8]
f32 D_80164A78 [4]
s8 D_80164A88
s8 D_80164A89
f32 D_80164A90 [4]
f32 D_80164AA0 [4]
f32 D_80164498 []
s16 D_80164678 []

Function Documentation

◆ camera_init()

void camera_init ( f32 posX,
f32 posY,
f32 posZ,
UNUSED s16 rot,
u32 arg4,
s32 cameraId )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001CA10()

void func_8001CA10 ( Camera * camera)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001CA24()

void func_8001CA24 ( Player * player,
f32 arg1 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001CA78()

void func_8001CA78 ( UNUSED Player * player,
Camera * camera,
Vec3f arg2,
f32 * arg3,
f32 * arg4,
f32 * arg5,
UNUSED s32 huh,
UNUSED s32 wut )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001CCEC()

void func_8001CCEC ( Player * player,
Camera * camera,
Vec3f arg2,
f32 * arg3,
f32 * arg4,
f32 * arg5,
UNUSED s32 * arg6,
s16 arg7,
s16 index )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001D53C()

void func_8001D53C ( Player * player,
Camera * camera,
Vec3f arg2,
f32 * arg3,
f32 * arg4,
f32 * arg5,
s16 arg6,
s16 arg7 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001D794()

void func_8001D794 ( Player * player,
Camera * camera,
Vec3f arg2,
f32 * arg3,
f32 * arg4,
f32 * arg5,
s16 arg6 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001D944()

void func_8001D944 ( Player * player,
Camera * camera,
Vec3f arg2,
f32 * arg3,
f32 * arg4,
f32 * arg5,
UNUSED s32 * arg6,
s16 arg7,
s16 index )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001E0C4()

void func_8001E0C4 ( Camera * camera,
Player * player,
s8 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001E45C()

void func_8001E45C ( Camera * camera,
Player * player,
s8 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001E8E8()

void func_8001E8E8 ( Camera * camera,
Player * player,
s8 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001EA0C()

void func_8001EA0C ( Camera * camera,
Player * player,
s8 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001EE98()

void func_8001EE98 ( Player * player,
Camera * camera,
s8 index )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001F394()

void func_8001F394 ( Player * player,
f32 * arg1 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001F87C()

void func_8001F87C ( s32 cameraId)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ camera1

Camera* camera1 = &cameras[0]

◆ camera2

Camera* camera2 = &cameras[1]

◆ camera3

Camera* camera3 = &cameras[2]

◆ camera4

Camera* camera4 = &cameras[3]

◆ cameras

Camera cameras[4]

◆ D_800DDB30

f32 D_800DDB30[] = { 0.4f, 0.6f, 0.275f, 0.3f }

◆ D_80164498

f32 D_80164498[]

◆ D_80164678

s16 D_80164678[]

◆ D_801649D0

UNUSED s32 D_801649D0[2]

◆ D_801649D8

f32 D_801649D8[4]

◆ D_801649E8

f32 D_801649E8[4]

◆ D_801649F8

f32 D_801649F8[4]

◆ D_80164A08

s32 D_80164A08[4]

◆ D_80164A18

s32 D_80164A18[4]

◆ D_80164A28

s32 D_80164A28

◆ D_80164A2C

s32 D_80164A2C

◆ D_80164A30

f32 D_80164A30

◆ D_80164A34

UNUSED f32 D_80164A34

◆ D_80164A38

f32 D_80164A38[4]

◆ D_80164A48

f32 D_80164A48[4]

◆ D_80164A58

UNUSED s32 D_80164A58[8]

◆ D_80164A78

f32 D_80164A78[4]

◆ D_80164A88

s8 D_80164A88

◆ D_80164A89

s8 D_80164A89

◆ D_80164A90

f32 D_80164A90[4]

◆ D_80164AA0

f32 D_80164AA0[4]