Mario Kart 64
No Matches
podium_ceremony_actors.c File Reference
#include <ultra64.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <PR/gu.h>
#include <mk64.h>
#include <types.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <common_structs.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "common_textures.h"
#include "render_player.h"
#include "hud_renderer.h"
#include "podium_ceremony_actors.h"
#include "camera_junk.h"
#include "player_controller.h"
#include "code_80057C60.h"
#include "code_80005FD0.h"
#include "code_80281C40.h"
#include "math_util.h"
Include dependency graph for podium_ceremony_actors.c:


void func_80280650 (void)
void set_initial_position (CeremonyActor *actor)
CeremonyActorfind_available_entry (void)
CeremonyActornew_actor (ActorInitParams *arg0)
u16 random_u16_credits (void)
f32 random_float_between_0_and_1 (void)
f32 random_who_knows (f32 arg0)
void func_80280884 (void)
void balloon_update (CeremonyActor *actor)
void firework_cone_update_and_spawn_burst (Firework *cone)
void func_80280A28 (Vec3f arg0, Vec3s arg1, f32 arg2)
void render_fireworks (Vec3f arg0, f32 arg1, s32 rgb, s16 alpha)
void firework_update (Firework *actor)
void unused_80280FA0 (UNUSED CeremonyActor *actor)
void unused_80280FA8 (UNUSED CeremonyActor *actor)
void balloons_and_fireworks_init (void)
void func_80280FFC (void)
void func_8028100C (UNUSED s32 arg0, UNUSED s32 arg1, UNUSED s32 arg2)
void spawn_balloons (s32 arg0, s32 arg1, s32 arg2)
void spawn_firework_cone (s32 arg0, s32 arg1, s32 arg2)
void spawn_timer (void)
void update_actors_loop (void)
void func_8028150C (void)
void func_80281520 (void)
void func_80281528 (void)
void func_80281530 (void)
void func_80281538 (void)
void func_80281540 (void)
void podium_ceremony_loop (void)


s32 fireworkConeColour []
s32 fireworkColour []
u16 sRandomSeed16 = 0
ActorInitParams initBalloon
ActorInitParams initBurst
ActorInitParams initCone
ActorInitParams initDummy
s16 D_802874B0 [17]
Gfx * D_802874D4
struct_D_802874D8 D_802874D8
s32 D_802874FC
Mat4 D_80287500
voidsUpdate [][3]

Function Documentation

◆ balloon_update()

void balloon_update ( CeremonyActor * actor)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ balloons_and_fireworks_init()

void balloons_and_fireworks_init ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_available_entry()

CeremonyActor * find_available_entry ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firework_cone_update_and_spawn_burst()

void firework_cone_update_and_spawn_burst ( Firework * cone)

Spawns an aerial shell that ascends into the sky. (note that the explode effect is a different actor)

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ firework_update()

void firework_update ( Firework * actor)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ func_80280650()

void func_80280650 ( void )

◆ func_80280884()

void func_80280884 ( void )

◆ func_80280A28()

void func_80280A28 ( Vec3f arg0,
Vec3s arg1,
f32 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80280FFC()

void func_80280FFC ( void )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8028100C()

void func_8028100C ( UNUSED s32 arg0,
UNUSED s32 arg1,
UNUSED s32 arg2 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8028150C()

void func_8028150C ( void )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80281520()

void func_80281520 ( void )

◆ func_80281528()

void func_80281528 ( void )

◆ func_80281530()

void func_80281530 ( void )

◆ func_80281538()

void func_80281538 ( void )

◆ func_80281540()

void func_80281540 ( void )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ new_actor()

CeremonyActor * new_actor ( ActorInitParams * arg0)
No null check.
More indepth error checking/return value
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ podium_ceremony_loop()

void podium_ceremony_loop ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ random_float_between_0_and_1()

f32 random_float_between_0_and_1 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ random_u16_credits()

u16 random_u16_credits ( void )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ random_who_knows()

f32 random_who_knows ( f32 arg0)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_fireworks()

void render_fireworks ( Vec3f arg0,
f32 arg1,
s32 rgb,
s16 alpha )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_initial_position()

void set_initial_position ( CeremonyActor * actor)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ spawn_balloons()

void spawn_balloons ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
s32 arg2 )

Spawn balloons! The floats passed to random_who_knows appears to effect the spread of the balloons

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ spawn_firework_cone()

void spawn_firework_cone ( s32 arg0,
s32 arg1,
s32 arg2 )

The explosive effect when the firework's charge detonates resulting in a small variety of amusing colours. D_802874BE appears to be zero.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ spawn_timer()

void spawn_timer ( void )

Allegedly controls fireworks movement.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unused_80280FA0()

void unused_80280FA0 ( UNUSED CeremonyActor * actor)

◆ unused_80280FA8()

void unused_80280FA8 ( UNUSED CeremonyActor * actor)

◆ update_actors_loop()

void update_actors_loop ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ D_802874B0

s16 D_802874B0[17]

◆ D_802874D4

Gfx* D_802874D4

◆ D_802874D8

struct_D_802874D8 D_802874D8

◆ D_802874FC

s32 D_802874FC

◆ D_80287500

Mat4 D_80287500

◆ fireworkColour

s32 fireworkColour
Initial value:
= {

Mainly colours the explosion effect. Appears to colour the cones as well.

◆ fireworkConeColour

s32 fireworkConeColour[]
Initial value:
= {

◆ initBalloon

ActorInitParams initBalloon
Initial value:
= {
{ 0xF3AF, 34, 0xFE2D },
0, 0, 0, 0,
@ Balloon
Definition podium_ceremony_actors.h:8

◆ initBurst

ActorInitParams initBurst
Initial value:
= {
{ 0xF3AF, 34, 0xFE2D },
0, 0, 0, 0,
@ FireworkBurst
Definition podium_ceremony_actors.h:10

◆ initCone

ActorInitParams initCone
Initial value:
= {
{ 0xF3AF, 34, 0xFE2D },
0, 0, 0, 0,
@ FireworkCone
Definition podium_ceremony_actors.h:9

◆ initDummy

ActorInitParams initDummy
Initial value:
= {
{ 0xF2CC, 250, 0xFE11 },
0, 0, 0, 0,
@ Initial
Definition podium_ceremony_actors.h:7

◆ sPodiumActorList

CeremonyActor* sPodiumActorList

◆ sRandomSeed16

u16 sRandomSeed16 = 0

◆ sUpdate

void* sUpdate[][3]
Initial value:
= {
void unused_80280FA0(UNUSED CeremonyActor *actor)
Definition podium_ceremony_actors.c:297
void balloon_update(CeremonyActor *actor)
Definition podium_ceremony_actors.c:181
void unused_80280FA8(UNUSED CeremonyActor *actor)
Definition podium_ceremony_actors.c:301
void firework_cone_update_and_spawn_burst(Firework *cone)
Definition podium_ceremony_actors.c:201
void firework_update(Firework *actor)
Definition podium_ceremony_actors.c:265