Mario Kart 64
No Matches
Todo List
Global __osGetId (OSPfs *pfs)

remove magic constant

loads of magic constants..

Global __osPfsReleasePages (OSPfs *pfs, __OSInode *inode, u8 start_page, u16 *sum, u8 bank, __OSInodeUnit *last_page, int flag)
magic number
Global __osPfsRWInode (OSPfs *pfs, __OSInode *inode, u8 flag, u8 bank)
don't like this =/ //maybe &inode->inode_table[j*PFS_ONE_PAGE].ipage or something
Global __osPiDevMgr
In libreultra this is in an include
Global __osRepairPackId (OSPfs *pfs, __OSPackId *badid, __OSPackId *newid)

remove magic constant

fix magic number

Global _course_mario_raceway_dl_mio0SegmentRomStart []
These should probably be ptr's instead of array's?
Global add_unused_obj_index (s32 *listIdx, s32 *nextFree, s32 size)
This HAS to be a for-loop of some variety, but I can't make a for-loop to match. If you replace this with for(var_v1 = 0; var_v1 < size; var_v1++) The diff gets massive.
Global BAD_RETURN (cmd)
put this define in types.h or similar. Certain functions are marked as having return values, but do not actually return a value. This causes undefined behavior, which we'd rather avoid on modern GCC. This only impacts -O2 and can matter for both the function itself and functions that call it.
Global clear_framebuffer (s32)
Why did void* work for matching
Global common_tlut_lakitu_checkered_flag []
Generate tlut based on the actual texture. The textures these tluts are for are not in This applies to common_tlut_lakitu_checkered_flag, common_tlut_lakitu_second_lap, common_tlut_lakitu_final_lap, common_tlut_lakitu_reverse, common_tlut_lakitu_fishing Appears to be animation textures.
Global common_tlut_trees_import []
What is this?
Global D_02007BB8 []
Place all these vertices in a single array
Global D_800E43B0 []
Global D_8018D9B0
Move gGfxPool out of main.h
Global d_course_banshee_boardwalk_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_big_donut_dl []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_bowsers_castle_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_dks_jungle_parkway_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_frappe_snowland_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_kalimari_desert_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_koopa_troopa_beach_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_luigi_raceway_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_mario_raceway_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_moo_moo_farm_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_rainbow_road_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_royal_raceway_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_sherbet_land_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_toads_turnpike_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_wario_stadium_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global d_course_yoshi_valley_dl_0 []
Replace addresses with variables
Global debug_switch_character_ceremony_cutscene (void)
confirm this.
Union du

is it possible to remove them somehow?

is it possible to remove them somehow?

Global fill [2]
file boundary?
Global fill2
0x00000000800f624c fill2
Global func_800100F0 (s32)
Confirm this comment
Global func_80028864 (Player *, Camera *, s8, s8)
make a proper match
Global func_80046030 (u8 *tlut, u8 *texture, Vtx *arg2, s32 width, s32 arg4, s32 height)
tlut/texture unconfirmed. This could be texture1 and texture2
Global func_8004B7DC (s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, s32 arg4, s32 arg5, s32 arg6)
Update to F3DEX. Uses OLD definition for gspTextureRectangle.
Global func_8004C268 (u32 arg0, u32 arg1, u8 *texture, u32 width, u32 arg4, u32 height, s32 arg6)
Global func_800745C8 (s32 objectIndex, s32 arg1)
arg1 should likely be a u8 *
Global func_80091FA4 (void)
These sizes need to be sizeof() for shiftability if possible
Global func_800CBC24 (void)
clenanup, something's weird with the variables. D_800EA4A4 is probably EuAudioCmd bc of the + 0x100
Global func_80282D90 (struct CinematicCamera *, struct struct_80286A04 *, struct struct_80286A04 *, s32)
Cast to normal Camera? Or from CinematicCamera?
Global func_8028336C (UNUSED struct CinematicCamera *arg0, UNUSED Camera *camera)
Does this match as a return of s8?
Global func_802846E4 (struct CinematicCamera *)
What does this even do?
Global func_8028F970 (void)
increasing players past four would require increase this loop iterator.
Global gen_random_item (s16 rank, s16 isCpu)
Cleanup this function to use array access and struct if possible.
Global gPlayerWinningIndex
gPlayerWinningIndex (D_800DC5E8) accessed as word, D_800DC5EB as u8
Global gTorchSpawns []
fix this extern
Global IO_WRITE (addr, data)
These defines are from PR/rcp.h, but including that causes problems...
Global load_surface_map (uintptr_t, struct UnkStruct_800DC5EC *)
Should be Gfx*
These defines shouldn't exist - PR/rcp.h has them properly defined (ultralib)
Verify with proper documentation
Verify with proper documentation
Global new_actor (ActorInitParams *)
More indepth error checking/return value
Global Note::priority
use macros or something instead.
Global osContInit (OSMesgQueue *mq, u8 *bitpattern, OSContStatus *status)
figure out what it means
Global osPfsDeleteFile (OSPfs *pfs, u16 company_code, u32 game_code, u8 *game_name, u8 *ext_name)
magic constant
Global osPiStartDma (OSIoMesg *mb, s32 priority, s32 direction, uintptr_t devAddr, void *vAddr, size_t nbytes, OSMesgQueue *mq)
name magic constants
Global osRomBase
figure out why this is like this
Global osViBlack (u8 active)
name magic constants
Global osViSwapBuffer (void *vaddr)
figure out what this flag means
This define is from os.h, but including that causes problems...
Global render_actor_shell (Camera *, Mat4, struct ShellActor *)
Is this making the shell spin?
Global short_podium_model2 []
rename this to left_ or right_ instead of model2.
Global SOUND_ARG_LOAD (sound_bank, byte2, byte3, sound_id)
format like sm64 sounds.h
Struct unkStruct
merge with osEepromWrite
Global UPDATE_REG (reg, var)
This define is from piint.h, but including that causes problems...
Global US_FLOAT (x)
US_FLOAT should probably be renamed to JP_DOUBLE since eu seems to use floats too