Mario Kart 64
No Matches
render_player.c File Reference
#include <ultra64.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <common_structs.h>
#include <defines.h>
#include <types.h>
#include "code_800029B0.h"
#include "math_util.h"
#include "math_util_2.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "decode.h"
#include "kart_dma.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "render_player.h"
#include "code_80057C60.h"
#include "effects.h"
#include "buffers.h"
#include "waypoints.h"
#include "player_controller.h"
#include "hud_renderer.h"
#include "common_textures.h"
#include "skybox_and_splitscreen.h"
#include "spawn_players.h"
Include dependency graph for render_player.c:


#define D_802F1F80_WHEEL(a, b, c)   &D_802F1F80[a][b][(c * 0x100) + 0xC0]


void func_8001F980 (s32 *arg0, s32 *arg1)
void func_8001F9E4 (Player *player, Camera *camera, s8 arg2)
u16 check_player_camera_collision (Player *player, Camera *camera, f32 arg2, f32 arg3)
u16 func_8001FD78 (Player *player, f32 posX, UNUSED f32 arg2, f32 posZ)
void init_render_player (Player *player, Camera *camera, s8 playerId, s8 playerRenderId)
void func_80020524 (void)
void func_8002088C (void)
void func_80020BF4 (void)
void func_80020F1C (void)
void try_render_player (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2)
void render_players_on_screen_one (void)
void render_players_on_screen_two (void)
void render_players_on_screen_three (void)
void render_players_on_screen_four (void)
void func_80021B0C (void)
void func_80021C78 (void)
void func_80021D40 (void)
void func_80021DA8 (void)
void mtxf_translate_rotate (Mat4 dest, Vec3f pos, Vec3s orientation)
UNUSED void func_80021F50 (Mat4 arg0, Vec3f arg1)
void mtxf_scale2 (Mat4 arg0, f32 scale)
UNUSED void func_80021FF8 (Mtx *arg0, Mat4 arg1)
void convert_to_fixed_point_matrix (Mtx *fixedPointMatrix, Mat4 arg1)
bool adjust_angle (s16 *angle, s16 targetAngle, s16 step)
void move_s32_towards (s32 *startingValue, s32 targetValue, f32 somePercent)
void move_f32_towards (f32 *startingValue, f32 targetValue, f32 somePercent)
void move_s16_towards (s16 *startingValue, s16 targetValue, f32 somePercent)
void move_u16_towards (u16 *startingValue, s16 targetValue, f32 somePercent)
void func_80022744 (void)
void func_8002276C (void)
void func_80022A98 (Player *player, s8 arg1)
void func_80022B50 (Player *player, UNUSED s8 arg1)
void func_80022BC4 (Player *player, UNUSED s8 arg1)
void func_80022CA8 (Player *player, s8 arg1, UNUSED s8 arg2, s8 arg3)
void func_80022D60 (UNUSED Player *player, s8 arg1, UNUSED s8 arg2, s8 arg3)
void func_80022DB4 (Player *player, UNUSED s8 arg1)
void func_80022E84 (Player *player, s8 arg1, UNUSED s8 arg2, s8 arg3)
void change_player_color_effect_rgb (UNUSED Player *player, s8 arg1, s32 arg2, f32 alpha)
void change_player_color_effect_cmy (UNUSED Player *player, s8 arg1, s32 arg2, f32 arg3)
bool is_player_under_light_luigi_raceway (Player *player, s8 arg1)
void render_light_environment_on_player (Player *player, s8 arg1)
void func_800235AC (Player *player, s8 arg1)
void func_80023BF0 (Player *player, s8 arg1, s8 arg2, s8 arg3)
void render_player_shadow (Player *player, s8 arg1, s8 arg2)
void render_player_shadow_credits (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2)
void kart_render (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2, s8 arg3)
void ghost_render (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2, s8 arg3)
void func_80025DE8 (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2, s8 arg3)
void player_ice_reflection_render (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2, s8 arg3)
void player_render (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2)
void func_80026A48 (Player *player, s8 arg1)
void func_80026B4C (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2, s8 arg3)
UNUSED void func_8002701C (void)
UNUSED void func_80027024 (UNUSED s32 arg0, UNUSED s32 arg1, UNUSED s32 arg2)


s8 gRenderingFramebufferByPlayer []
s32 gPlayersToRenderCount = 0
UNUSED voidD_800DDB5C [3]
s16 D_80164AB0 [8]
s16 D_80164AC0 [8]
PlayerD_80164AD0 [8]
s16 gMatrixEffectCount
s32 D_80164AF4 [3]
u16 gPlayerRedEffect [8]
u16 gPlayerGreenEffect [8]
u16 gPlayerBlueEffect [8]
u16 gPlayerCyanEffect [8]
u16 gPlayerMagentaEffect [8]
u16 gPlayerYellowEffect [8]
UNUSED u16 gPlayerWhiteEffect [8]
s32 D_80164B80 [296]
s16 D_80165020 [40]
Vec3f D_80165070 [8]
s16 D_801650D0 [4][8]
s16 D_80165110 [4][8]
s16 D_80165150 [4][8]
s16 D_80165190 [4][8]
s16 D_801651D0 [4][8]
s32 junk [] = {0, 0, 0}
VtxD_800DDBB4 []
f32 gCharacterSize []
u8 ** gKartMarioWheels0 []
u8 ** gKartMarioWheels1 []
u8 ** gKartLuigiWheels0 []
u8 ** gKartLuigiWheels1 []
u8 ** gKartBowserWheels0 []
u8 ** gKartBowserWheels1 []
u8 ** gKartToadWheels0 []
u8 ** gKartToadWheels1 []
u8 ** gKartYoshiWheels0 []
u8 ** gKartYoshiWheels1 []
u8 ** gKartDKWheels0 []
u8 ** gKartDKWheels1 []
u8 ** gKartPeachWheels0 []
u8 ** gKartPeachWheels1 []
u8 ** gKartWarioWheels0 []
u8 ** gKartWarioWheels1 []
u16 ** D_800DDE34 []
u16 ** D_800DDE54 []
s32 D_800DDE74 []
s32 maybeCompilerPadding = 0

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ D_802F1F80_WHEEL

#define D_802F1F80_WHEEL ( a,
c )   &D_802F1F80[a][b][(c * 0x100) + 0xC0]

Function Documentation

◆ adjust_angle()

bool adjust_angle ( s16 * angle,
s16 targetAngle,
s16 step )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ change_player_color_effect_cmy()

void change_player_color_effect_cmy ( UNUSED Player * player,
s8 arg1,
s32 arg2,
f32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ change_player_color_effect_rgb()

void change_player_color_effect_rgb ( UNUSED Player * player,
s8 arg1,
s32 arg2,
f32 alpha )

Sets player shading/colour.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_player_camera_collision()

u16 check_player_camera_collision ( Player * player,
Camera * camera,
f32 arg2,
f32 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convert_to_fixed_point_matrix()

void convert_to_fixed_point_matrix ( Mtx * fixedPointMatrix,
Mat4 arg1 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001F980()

void func_8001F980 ( s32 * arg0,
s32 * arg1 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001F9E4()

void func_8001F9E4 ( Player * player,
Camera * camera,
s8 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8001FD78()

u16 func_8001FD78 ( Player * player,
f32 posX,
UNUSED f32 arg2,
f32 posZ )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80020524()

void func_80020524 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8002088C()

void func_8002088C ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80020BF4()

void func_80020BF4 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80020F1C()

void func_80020F1C ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80021B0C()

void func_80021B0C ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80021C78()

void func_80021C78 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80021D40()

void func_80021D40 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80021DA8()

void func_80021DA8 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80021F50()

UNUSED void func_80021F50 ( Mat4 arg0,
Vec3f arg1 )

◆ func_80021FF8()

UNUSED void func_80021FF8 ( Mtx * arg0,
Mat4 arg1 )

◆ func_80022744()

void func_80022744 ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8002276C()

void func_8002276C ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80022A98()

void func_80022A98 ( Player * player,
s8 arg1 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80022B50()

void func_80022B50 ( Player * player,
UNUSED s8 arg1 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80022BC4()

void func_80022BC4 ( Player * player,
UNUSED s8 arg1 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80022CA8()

void func_80022CA8 ( Player * player,
s8 arg1,
UNUSED s8 arg2,
s8 arg3 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80022D60()

void func_80022D60 ( UNUSED Player * player,
s8 arg1,
UNUSED s8 arg2,
s8 arg3 )

Seems to stretch/warp a specific players texture for a short period of time. Perhaps does not do anything

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80022DB4()

void func_80022DB4 ( Player * player,
UNUSED s8 arg1 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80022E84()

void func_80022E84 ( Player * player,
s8 arg1,
UNUSED s8 arg2,
s8 arg3 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_800235AC()

void func_800235AC ( Player * player,
s8 arg1 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80023BF0()

void func_80023BF0 ( Player * player,
s8 arg1,
s8 arg2,
s8 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80025DE8()

void func_80025DE8 ( Player * player,
s8 playerId,
s8 arg2,
s8 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80026A48()

void func_80026A48 ( Player * player,
s8 arg1 )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_80026B4C()

void func_80026B4C ( Player * player,
s8 playerId,
s8 arg2,
s8 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ func_8002701C()

UNUSED void func_8002701C ( void )

◆ func_80027024()

UNUSED void func_80027024 ( UNUSED s32 arg0,
UNUSED s32 arg1,
UNUSED s32 arg2 )

◆ ghost_render()

void ghost_render ( Player * player,
s8 playerId,
s8 arg2,
s8 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init_render_player()

void init_render_player ( Player * player,
Camera * camera,
s8 playerId,
s8 playerRenderId )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_player_under_light_luigi_raceway()

bool is_player_under_light_luigi_raceway ( Player * player,
s8 arg1 )

Activates in the tunnel to shade the player a bit darker Sort of an atmospheric effect.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kart_render()

void kart_render ( Player * player,
s8 playerId,
s8 arg2,
s8 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ move_f32_towards()

void move_f32_towards ( f32 * startingValue,
f32 targetValue,
f32 somePercent )

Function: move_f32_towards

Parameters: f32 *startingValue - Pointer to the float that will be modified f32 targetValue - Float value to move startingValue towards f32 somePercent - The percent of the difference between startingValue and targetValue to actually move

Moves a given startingValue the given somePercent towards the targetValue

f32 *thing = 2500; move_f32_towards(thing, 500, 0.75f); thing now has a value of 1000

If after the move startingValue is inside of the range [-0.001, 0.001], force it to exactly 0.0f

This is probably a precision thing. The scaling with somePercent likely can't hit exactly 0 with any reliability, so they force it to 0 if you're in a small range around it. Why they only do this for 0 is anyone's guess though

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ move_s16_towards()

void move_s16_towards ( s16 * startingValue,
s16 targetValue,
f32 somePercent )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ move_s32_towards()

void move_s32_towards ( s32 * startingValue,
s32 targetValue,
f32 somePercent )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ move_u16_towards()

void move_u16_towards ( u16 * startingValue,
s16 targetValue,
f32 somePercent )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mtxf_scale2()

void mtxf_scale2 ( Mat4 arg0,
f32 scale )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mtxf_translate_rotate()

void mtxf_translate_rotate ( Mat4 dest,
Vec3f pos,
Vec3s orientation )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ player_ice_reflection_render()

void player_ice_reflection_render ( Player * player,
s8 playerId,
s8 arg2,
s8 arg3 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ player_render()

void player_render ( Player * player,
s8 playerId,
s8 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_light_environment_on_player()

void render_light_environment_on_player ( Player * player,
s8 arg1 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_player_shadow()

void render_player_shadow ( Player * player,
s8 arg1,
s8 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_player_shadow_credits()

void render_player_shadow_credits ( Player * player,
s8 playerId,
s8 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_players_on_screen_four()

void render_players_on_screen_four ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_players_on_screen_one()

void render_players_on_screen_one ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_players_on_screen_three()

void render_players_on_screen_three ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ render_players_on_screen_two()

void render_players_on_screen_two ( void )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ try_render_player()

void try_render_player ( Player * player,
s8 playerId,
s8 arg2 )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ D_800DDB5C

UNUSED void* D_800DDB5C[3]
Initial value:
= {
Definition buffers.c:30
Definition buffers.c:31
Definition buffers.c:29

◆ D_800DDBB4

Vtx* D_800DDBB4[]
Initial value:
= {
Vtx D_800E4BC0[]
Vtx D_800E4CC0[]
Vtx D_800E4AC0[]
Vtx D_800E49C0[]
Vtx D_800E4DC0[]
Vtx D_800E50D0[]
Vtx D_800E4EC0[]
Vtx D_800E4FD0[]

◆ D_800DDE34

u16** D_800DDE34[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 ** gKartMarioWheels0[]
Definition render_player.c:414
u8 ** gKartToadWheels0[]
Definition render_player.c:450
u8 ** gKartPeachWheels0[]
Definition render_player.c:486
u8 ** gKartDKWheels0[]
Definition render_player.c:474
u8 ** gKartWarioWheels0[]
Definition render_player.c:498
u8 ** gKartBowserWheels0[]
Definition render_player.c:438
u8 ** gKartLuigiWheels0[]
Definition render_player.c:426
u8 ** gKartYoshiWheels0[]
Definition render_player.c:462

◆ D_800DDE54

u16** D_800DDE54[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 ** gKartBowserWheels1[]
Definition render_player.c:444
u8 ** gKartPeachWheels1[]
Definition render_player.c:492
u8 ** gKartWarioWheels1[]
Definition render_player.c:504
u8 ** gKartLuigiWheels1[]
Definition render_player.c:432
u8 ** gKartYoshiWheels1[]
Definition render_player.c:468
u8 ** gKartToadWheels1[]
Definition render_player.c:456
u8 ** gKartMarioWheels1[]
Definition render_player.c:420
u8 ** gKartDKWheels1[]
Definition render_player.c:480

◆ D_800DDE74

s32 D_800DDE74[]
Initial value:
= {
96, 128, 192, 256,
288, 384, 512, 544,

◆ D_80164AB0

s16 D_80164AB0[8]

◆ D_80164AC0

s16 D_80164AC0[8]

◆ D_80164AD0

Player* D_80164AD0[8]

◆ D_80164AF4

s32 D_80164AF4[3]

◆ D_80164B08

u8* D_80164B08

◆ D_80164B0C

u8* D_80164B0C

◆ D_80164B80

s32 D_80164B80[296]

◆ D_80165020

s16 D_80165020[40]

◆ D_80165070

Vec3f D_80165070[8]

◆ D_801650D0

s16 D_801650D0[4][8]

◆ D_80165110

s16 D_80165110[4][8]

◆ D_80165150

s16 D_80165150[4][8]

◆ D_80165190

s16 D_80165190[4][8]

◆ D_801651D0

s16 D_801651D0[4][8]

◆ gCharacterSize

f32 gCharacterSize[]
Initial value:
= {
#define WARIO_SIZE
Definition defines.h:118
#define LUIGI_SIZE
Definition defines.h:114
#define DK_SIZE
Definition defines.h:117
Definition defines.h:120
#define YOSHI_SIZE
Definition defines.h:115
#define PEACH_SIZE
Definition defines.h:119
#define MARIO_SIZE
Definition defines.h:113
#define TOAD_SIZE
Definition defines.h:116

◆ gKartBowserWheels0

u8** gKartBowserWheels0[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartBowser168Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartBowser147Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartBowser084Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartBowser000Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartBowser126Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartBowser042Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartBowser021Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartBowser105Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartBowser063Wheel0[]

◆ gKartBowserWheels1

u8** gKartBowserWheels1[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartBowser209Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartBowser189Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:190
u8 * gKartBowser229Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:186
u8 * gKartBowser269Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:183
u8 * gKartBowser249Wheel0[]

◆ gKartDKWheels0

u8** gKartDKWheels0[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartDK168Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartDK084Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartDK147Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartDK000Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartDK105Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartDK021Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartDK063Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartDK126Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartDK042Wheel0[]

◆ gKartDKWheels1

u8** gKartDKWheels1[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartDK249Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartDK229Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:240
u8 * gKartDK189Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:244
u8 * gKartDK269Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:237
u8 * gKartDK209Wheel0[]

◆ gKartLuigiWheels0

u8** gKartLuigiWheels0[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartLuigi042Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartLuigi063Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartLuigi147Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartLuigi000Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartLuigi084Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartLuigi021Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartLuigi105Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartLuigi126Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartLuigi168Wheel0[]

◆ gKartLuigiWheels1

u8** gKartLuigiWheels1[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartLuigi209Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartLuigi249Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartLuigi189Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:172
u8 * gKartLuigi269Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:165
u8 * gKartLuigi229Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:168

◆ gKartMarioWheels0

u8** gKartMarioWheels0[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartMario063Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartMario042Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartMario084Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartMario147Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartMario105Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartMario168Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartMario021Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartMario126Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartMario000Wheel0[]

◆ gKartMarioWheels1

u8** gKartMarioWheels1[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartMario189Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:154
u8 * gKartMario209Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartMario249Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartMario229Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:150
u8 * gKartMario269Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:147

◆ gKartPeachWheels0

u8** gKartPeachWheels0[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartPeach042Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartPeach168Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartPeach000Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartPeach126Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartPeach084Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartPeach021Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartPeach063Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartPeach147Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartPeach105Wheel0[]

◆ gKartPeachWheels1

u8** gKartPeachWheels1[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartPeach269Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:255
u8 * gKartPeach229Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:258
u8 * gKartPeach249Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartPeach189Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:262
u8 * gKartPeach209Wheel0[]

◆ gKartToadWheels0

u8** gKartToadWheels0[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartToad126Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartToad063Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartToad168Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartToad042Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartToad000Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartToad147Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartToad105Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartToad021Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartToad084Wheel0[]

◆ gKartToadWheels1

u8** gKartToadWheels1[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartToad229Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:204
u8 * gKartToad269Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:201
u8 * gKartToad209Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartToad249Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartToad189Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:208

◆ gKartWarioWheels0

u8** gKartWarioWheels0[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartWario063Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartWario126Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartWario147Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartWario042Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartWario105Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartWario168Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartWario084Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartWario000Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartWario021Wheel0[]

◆ gKartWarioWheels1

u8** gKartWarioWheels1[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartWario249Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartWario229Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:276
u8 * gKartWario189Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:280
u8 * gKartWario269Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:273
u8 * gKartWario209Wheel0[]

◆ gKartYoshiWheels0

u8** gKartYoshiWheels0[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartYoshi042Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartYoshi168Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartYoshi126Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartYoshi000Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartYoshi021Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartYoshi084Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartYoshi063Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartYoshi105Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartYoshi147Wheel0[]

◆ gKartYoshiWheels1

u8** gKartYoshiWheels1[]
Initial value:
= {
u8 * gKartYoshi229Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:222
u8 * gKartYoshi269Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:219
u8 * gKartYoshi189Wheel0[]
Definition render_player.h:226
u8 * gKartYoshi209Wheel0[]
u8 * gKartYoshi249Wheel0[]

◆ gMatrixEffectCount

s16 gMatrixEffectCount

◆ gPlayerBlueEffect

u16 gPlayerBlueEffect[8]

◆ gPlayerCyanEffect

u16 gPlayerCyanEffect[8]

◆ gPlayerGreenEffect

u16 gPlayerGreenEffect[8]

◆ gPlayerMagentaEffect

u16 gPlayerMagentaEffect[8]

◆ gPlayerPalette

struct_D_802F1F80* gPlayerPalette

◆ gPlayerRedEffect

u16 gPlayerRedEffect[8]

◆ gPlayersToRenderCount

s32 gPlayersToRenderCount = 0

◆ gPlayerWhiteEffect

UNUSED u16 gPlayerWhiteEffect[8]

◆ gPlayerYellowEffect

u16 gPlayerYellowEffect[8]

◆ gRenderingFramebufferByPlayer

s8 gRenderingFramebufferByPlayer[]
Initial value:
= {
0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02

◆ junk

s32 junk[] = {0, 0, 0}

◆ maybeCompilerPadding

s32 maybeCompilerPadding = 0