void | func_8001F980 (s32 *arg0, s32 *arg1) |
void | func_8001F9E4 (Player *player, Camera *camera, s8 arg2) |
u16 | check_player_camera_collision (Player *player, Camera *camera, f32 arg2, f32 arg3) |
u16 | func_8001FD78 (Player *player, f32 posX, UNUSED f32 arg2, f32 posZ) |
void | init_render_player (Player *player, Camera *camera, s8 playerId, s8 playerRenderId) |
void | func_80020524 (void) |
void | func_8002088C (void) |
void | func_80020BF4 (void) |
void | func_80020F1C (void) |
void | try_render_player (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2) |
void | render_players_on_screen_one (void) |
void | render_players_on_screen_two (void) |
void | render_players_on_screen_three (void) |
void | render_players_on_screen_four (void) |
void | func_80021B0C (void) |
void | func_80021C78 (void) |
void | func_80021D40 (void) |
void | func_80021DA8 (void) |
void | mtxf_translate_rotate (Mat4 dest, Vec3f pos, Vec3s orientation) |
UNUSED void | func_80021F50 (Mat4 arg0, Vec3f arg1) |
void | mtxf_scale2 (Mat4 arg0, f32 scale) |
UNUSED void | func_80021FF8 (Mtx *arg0, Mat4 arg1) |
void | convert_to_fixed_point_matrix (Mtx *fixedPointMatrix, Mat4 arg1) |
bool | adjust_angle (s16 *angle, s16 targetAngle, s16 step) |
void | move_s32_towards (s32 *startingValue, s32 targetValue, f32 somePercent) |
void | move_f32_towards (f32 *startingValue, f32 targetValue, f32 somePercent) |
void | move_s16_towards (s16 *startingValue, s16 targetValue, f32 somePercent) |
void | move_u16_towards (u16 *startingValue, s16 targetValue, f32 somePercent) |
void | func_80022744 (void) |
void | func_8002276C (void) |
void | func_80022A98 (Player *player, s8 arg1) |
void | func_80022B50 (Player *player, UNUSED s8 arg1) |
void | func_80022BC4 (Player *player, UNUSED s8 arg1) |
void | func_80022CA8 (Player *player, s8 arg1, UNUSED s8 arg2, s8 arg3) |
void | func_80022D60 (UNUSED Player *player, s8 arg1, UNUSED s8 arg2, s8 arg3) |
void | func_80022DB4 (Player *player, UNUSED s8 arg1) |
void | func_80022E84 (Player *player, s8 arg1, UNUSED s8 arg2, s8 arg3) |
void | change_player_color_effect_rgb (UNUSED Player *player, s8 arg1, s32 arg2, f32 alpha) |
void | change_player_color_effect_cmy (UNUSED Player *player, s8 arg1, s32 arg2, f32 arg3) |
bool | is_player_under_light_luigi_raceway (Player *player, s8 arg1) |
void | render_light_environment_on_player (Player *player, s8 arg1) |
void | func_800235AC (Player *player, s8 arg1) |
void | func_80023BF0 (Player *player, s8 arg1, s8 arg2, s8 arg3) |
void | render_player_shadow (Player *player, s8 arg1, s8 arg2) |
void | render_player_shadow_credits (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2) |
void | kart_render (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2, s8 arg3) |
void | ghost_render (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2, s8 arg3) |
void | func_80025DE8 (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2, s8 arg3) |
void | player_ice_reflection_render (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2, s8 arg3) |
void | player_render (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2) |
void | func_80026A48 (Player *player, s8 arg1) |
void | func_80026B4C (Player *player, s8 playerId, s8 arg2, s8 arg3) |
UNUSED void | func_8002701C (void) |
UNUSED void | func_80027024 (UNUSED s32 arg0, UNUSED s32 arg1, UNUSED s32 arg2) |
void move_f32_towards |
( |
f32 * | startingValue, |
f32 | targetValue, |
f32 | somePercent ) |
Function: move_f32_towards
Parameters: f32 *startingValue - Pointer to the float that will be modified f32 targetValue - Float value to move startingValue towards f32 somePercent - The percent of the difference between startingValue and targetValue to actually move
Moves a given startingValue the given somePercent towards the targetValue
f32 *thing = 2500; move_f32_towards(thing, 500, 0.75f); thing now has a value of 1000
If after the move startingValue is inside of the range [-0.001, 0.001], force it to exactly 0.0f
This is probably a precision thing. The scaling with somePercent likely can't hit exactly 0 with any reliability, so they force it to 0 if you're in a small range around it. Why they only do this for 0 is anyone's guess though