Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- f -
- f : __OSfp, fu
- f64 : printf_struct
- f_even : __OSfp
- f_odd : __OSfp
- fadeOutVel : AdsrState
- fadeRemainingFrames : SequencePlayer
- fadeTimerUnkEu : SequencePlayer
- fadeVelocity : SequencePlayer
- fadeVolume : SequencePlayer
- fadeVolumeScale : SequencePlayer
- features : OSViContext
- ffff : struct_801642D8
- file_size : course_texture
- fill : UnkStruct_802B8CD4
- filter : ReverbInfo
- finalDisplaylistOffset : CourseTable
- finalResampleState : NoteSynthesisBuffers
- finished : NoteSubEu, SequenceChannel, SequenceChannelLayer, SequencePlayer
- first : EuAudioCmd
- flag : __OSThreadprofile_s, uObjTxtrBlock_t, uObjTxtrTile_t, uObjTxtrTLUT_t
- flags : Actor, ALBank_s, ALInstrument, ALSound_s, ALWaveTable_s, BananaActor, BananaBunchParent, FakeItemBox, FallingRock, ItemBox, KiwanoFruit, mk64_surface_map_ram, OSThread_s, PaddleWheelBoat, PalmTree, PiranhaPlant, printf_struct, RailroadCrossing, ShellActor, TrackSections, TrainCar, TripleShellParent, YoshiValleyEgg
- fldRegs : OSViMode
- force_structure_alignment : uObjBg, uObjMtx, uObjSprite, uObjSubMtx, uObjTxtr
- fp : OSThread_s
- fp0 : __OSThreadContext
- fp10 : __OSThreadContext
- fp12 : __OSThreadContext
- fp14 : __OSThreadContext
- fp16 : __OSThreadContext
- fp18 : __OSThreadContext
- fp2 : __OSThreadContext
- fp20 : __OSThreadContext
- fp22 : __OSThreadContext
- fp24 : __OSThreadContext
- fp26 : __OSThreadContext
- fp28 : __OSThreadContext
- fp30 : __OSThreadContext
- fp4 : __OSThreadContext
- fp6 : __OSThreadContext
- fp8 : __OSThreadContext
- fpcsr : __OSThreadContext
- frame_length : MkAnimation
- frameCountDown : struct_8018DEE0_entry
- frameDuration : StaffGhost
- frameH : uObjBg_t, uObjScaleBg_t
- framesLeftToIgnore : SynthesisReverb
- frameW : uObjBg_t, uObjScaleBg_t
- frameX : uObjBg_t, uObjScaleBg_t
- frameY : uObjBg_t, uObjScaleBg_t
- freePtr : AllocOnlyPool
- freeSpace : MainPoolState
- freqScale : NoteAttributes, ReverbInfo, SequenceChannel, SequenceChannelLayer
- frequency : AudioBufferParametersEU, AudioSessionSettings, AudioSessionSettingsEU
- freshness : SoundCharacteristics