Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- a -
- A : uObjMtx_t
- a0 : __OSThreadContext
- a1 : __OSThreadContext
- a2 : __OSThreadContext
- a3 : __OSThreadContext
- accessQueue : OSMgrArgs
- action : AdsrState
- active : NotePool, VibratoState
- activeTexture : ItemWindowObjects, Objects
- activeTLUT : ItemWindowObjects, Objects
- actorIndex : D_801642D8_entry, PaddleWheelBoatStuff, TrainCarStuff, unexpiredActors, VehicleStuff
- actorTimer : struct_D_802874D8
- addr : course_texture, TrackSections
- address : __OSContEepromFormat, __OSContRamReadFormat, OSPiInfo
- adpcmdecState : NoteSynthesisBuffers
- adpcmWave : ALWaveTable_s
- adsr : Note, NotePlaybackState, SequenceChannel, SequenceChannelLayer
- adsrVolScale : Note, NotePlaybackState
- aiFrequency : AudioBufferParametersEU
- allCourseTimeTrialRecords : SaveData
- alpha : RGBA16, RGBA5551
- alsoLapCount : hud_player
- always_set_to_something_but_never_used : animation_type_2
- always_zero_never_used : animation_type_1, animation_type_2
- animation_length : animation_type_2
- animFrameSelector : Player
- animGroupSelector : Player
- animState : KiwanoFruit
- animTimer : KiwanoFruit
- appliedFadeVolume : SequencePlayer
- appliedVolume : SequenceChannel
- arg : AdsrEnvelope
- arg2 : EuAudioCmd
- arg3 : EuAudioCmd
- arr : struct_8018EE10_entry_cont
- as_bitfields : SequenceChannel
- as_f32 : EuAudioCmd
- as_raw : OSContPackedStruct
- as_s32 : EuAudioCmd
- as_s8 : EuAudioCmd
- as_u32 : EuAudioCmd
- as_u8 : EuAudioCmd, SequenceChannel
- asByte : ReverbBits
- at : __OSThreadContext
- attackTime : ALEnvelope
- attackVolume : ALEnvelope
- attributes : Note, NotePlaybackState
- audioBankSound : NoteSubEu