Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- p -
- parse_course_displaylists() : render_courses.h, render_courses.c
- patch_audio_bank() : load.h, load.c
- patch_sound() : load.h, load.c
- persistent_pool_clear() : heap.c, heap.h
- persistent_pools_init() : heap.c, heap.h
- place_all_item_boxes() : actors.c, actors.h
- place_course_actors() : actors.c, actors.h
- place_falling_rocks() :, actors.h
- place_palm_trees() : actors.c, actors.h
- place_piranha_plants() : actors.c, actors.h
- play_cutscene() : ceremony_and_credits.c, ceremony_and_credits.h
- play_sound() : external.c
- play_sound2() : external.c
- play_sound_balloon_pop() : ceremony_and_credits.h, ceremony_and_credits.c
- play_sound_congratulation() : ceremony_and_credits.c, ceremony_and_credits.h
- play_sound_farewell() : ceremony_and_credits.c, ceremony_and_credits.h
- play_sound_fish() : ceremony_and_credits.c, ceremony_and_credits.h
- play_sound_fish_2() : ceremony_and_credits.c, ceremony_and_credits.h
- play_sound_podium() : ceremony_and_credits.c, ceremony_and_credits.h
- play_sound_shoot_trophy() : ceremony_and_credits.c, ceremony_and_credits.h
- play_sound_trophy() : ceremony_and_credits.c, ceremony_and_credits.h
- play_sound_welcome() : ceremony_and_credits.c, ceremony_and_credits.h
- player_ice_reflection_render() : render_player.c, render_player.h
- player_render() : render_player.c, render_player.h
- player_select_menu_act() : menus.h
- player_speed() : player_controller.h, player_controller.c
- player_use_item() : actors_extended.c, actors_extended.h
- podium_ceremony_loop() : podium_ceremony_actors.c, podium_ceremony_actors.h
- pop_node_with_lower_prio() : playback.c, playback.h
- populate_time_trial_record() : save.c, save.h
- port_eu_init() : port_eu.c, port_eu.h
- port_eu_init_queues() : port_eu.c, port_eu.h
- preload_sequence() : load.c, load.h
- prepare_reverb_ring_buffer() : synthesis.c, synthesis.h
- print() : is_debug.c
- print_str_num() : hud_renderer.c, hud_renderer.h
- print_text0() : code_80091750.c, code_80091750.h
- print_text1() : code_80091750.c, code_80091750.h
- print_text2() : code_80091750.c, code_80091750.h
- print_timer() : hud_renderer.c, hud_renderer.h
- process_collision() : collision.c, collision.h
- process_envelope() : synthesis.c
- process_notes() : playback.c, playback.h
- process_path_data() : code_80005FD0.c, code_80005FD0.h
- process_sequences() : seqplayer.h, seqplayer.c
- process_shell_collision() : collision.c, collision.h
- profiler_log_gfx_time() : profiler.c, profiler.h
- profiler_log_thread4_time() : profiler.c, profiler.h
- profiler_log_thread5_time() : profiler.c, profiler.h
- profiler_log_vblank_time() : profiler.c, profiler.h
- proutSprintf() : sprintf.c