Here is a list of all variables with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- p -
- packedStart : CourseTable
- pad : AdpcmLoop, ALBank_s, credits_data_1FA0, test, UnkEntry, unkStruct, UnkStruct_800DC5EC
- pad0 : Unk_D_800E70A0
- pad1 : Unk_D_800E70A0
- pad1C : AdsrState
- pad2 : credits_data_1FA0, SequenceChannelLayer, SoundMultiPool, test, UnkStruct_800DC5EC
- pad3 : Note
- pad_43 : struct_8018EE10_entry
- padA : _struct_D_800DD9D0_0x10
- padding : course_texture, CourseTable, struct_802850C0_entry, uObjScaleBg_t
- paddingX : uObjSprite_t
- paddingY : uObjSprite_t
- padOrEnd : OSContPackedRead, OSContPackedRequest
- page : __OSInodeUnit
- pageSize : OSPiHandle_s
- pan : ALInstrument, Drum, NoteAttributes, ReverbInfo, SequenceChannel, SequenceChannelLayer
- panChannelWeight : SequenceChannel
- panResampleState : NoteSynthesisBuffers
- panSamplesBuffer : NoteSynthesisBuffers
- parentIndex : BananaActor, ShellActor
- parentLayer : Note, NotePlaybackState
- part1_len : printf_struct
- part2_len : printf_struct
- part3_len : printf_struct
- passengerCars : TrainStuff
- pathCenter : YoshiValleyEgg
- pathCounter : UnkStruct_800DC5EC
- pathIndex : ShellActor
- pathRadius : YoshiValleyEgg
- pathRot : YoshiValleyEgg
- patrolX : CrabSpawn
- patrolZ : CrabSpawn
- pc : __OSThreadContext, M64ScriptState
- percussion : ALBank_s
- persistent : SoundMultiPool
- persistentBankMem : AudioSessionSettings, AudioSessionSettingsEU
- persistentSeqMem : AudioSessionSettings, AudioSessionSettingsEU
- phead : uObjTxtrTLUT_t
- pifstatus : OSPifRam
- piHandle : OSIoMesg
- pixel_index_array : struct_D_802BFB80
- player : UnkStruct_800DC5EC
- playerDirection : UnkStruct_800DC5EC
- playerId : BananaActor, BananaBunchParent, Camera, FakeItemBox, ShellActor, TripleShellParent
- playPercentage : SequenceChannelLayer
- pnum : uObjTxtrTLUT_t
- point : CutsceneSplinePoint
- pool : AudioListItem, PersistentPool, TemporaryPool, Unk1Pool, UnkPool
- poolIndex : SeqOrBankEntry
- portamento : Note, NotePlaybackState, SequenceChannelLayer
- portamentoFreqScale : Note, NotePlaybackState
- portamentoTargetNote : SequenceChannelLayer
- portamentoTime : SequenceChannelLayer
- pos : Actor, ActorSpawnData, BananaActor, Camera, CeremonyActor, CinematicCamera, FakeItemBox, FallingRock, Firework, HegdehogSpawn, ItemBox, ItemWindowObjects, KiwanoFruit, Objects, PaddleWheelBoat, PalmTree, PiranhaPlant, Player, RailroadCrossing, ShellActor, SnowmanSpawn, StarSpawn, TrainCar, Unk_800E9F7C, UnkActorSpawnData, YoshiValleyEgg, YVFlagPoleSpawn
- position : PaddleWheelBoatStuff, Sound, TrainCarStuff, VehicleStuff
- posX : TrackWaypoint, Unk_8018EFD8
- posXInt : hud_player
- posY : TrackWaypoint, Unk_8018EFD8
- posYInt : hud_player
- posZ : TrackWaypoint, Unk_8018EFD8
- posZInt : hud_player
- precision : printf_struct
- presetUnk4 : AudioBufferParametersEU
- prev : AudioListItem, MainPoolBlock, MainPoolState, OSTimer_str, SoundCharacteristics, Unk_8018EFD8
- prevHeadsetPanLeft : NoteSynthesisState
- prevHeadsetPanRight : NoteSynthesisState
- prevParentLayer : Note, NotePlaybackState
- pri : OSIoMesgHdr
- priority : __osThreadTail, ALInstrument, Note, NotePlaybackState, OSThread_s, SoundCharacteristics, struct_8018D9E0_entry
- ptr : SeqOrBankEntry
- pulse : OSPiHandle_s
- put : ISVDbg